
The Wilson SDA church library is full of books and media to help Christians understand God’s word, appreciate His created works, and live healthfully, wisely, and purposefully in our community.

The collection includes adult, juvenile, teen, and young child materials. Library loans are signed in and out by the borrower, on an honor system. Some titles are more popular than others, so please abide by the guidelines given in the sign-out notebook.

Feel free to browse through complete listing of books available below, or use search function for more detailed options.

820 Items Matched.
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of 82

761.The Mysterious Treadle Machine
Reece, Colleen L.
762.The Not-So-Secret Mission: Elizabeth, An Adventist Girl (Vol. 1)
Rizzo, Kay D.
763.The Sky-High Mystery
Schurch, Maylan
764.The Sword of Denis Anwyck
Schurch, Maylan
765.The Legend of the Candy Cane
Walburg, Lori
766.Stories Worth Re-Reading: 72 Heart-touching Stories

767.In The Shadow of the Mob
Bockmann, Melanie Scherencel
768.Hinds' Feet on High Places
Hurnard, Hannah
769.Three Blondes in a Honda
Montgomery, Bobbie
770.Room-mates: a bittersweet story of two college friends
Morgan, Trudy J.
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of 82